are within easy reach, and don’t require a lot of bending forward or
stretching to reach them.
2. Take frequent short rest breaks (several an hour).
3. Don’t spend long periods of time in one position.
When typing, your shoulders should be relaxed. Your upper arm and
forearm should form a right angle, with your wrist and hand in roughly
a straight line. Use a soft touch on the keyboard and keep your hands
and fingers relaxed.
4. Notice when you’re tense and consciously try to relax.
5. Occasionally rest your eyes. From time to time focus your eyes on a
distant object, and blink often while you work.
Finally, keep in mind that you are typing with only one hand. You are
using one hand to do the job most people use two hands for. So, be extra
careful. If you’re sore, take a break; stretch a bit. If you’re in pain,
please see a doctor. Don’t wait; go right away. Waiting could turn a
minor injury into a more serious one.
6. Get plenty of sleep at night.
The general rules are preventative:
1. Keep your wrists straight, elbows at right angles, and shoulders