MAT NX3 Evo Flight Controller System
ELEVATOR Quickly move the tail upward around the pitch axis, the elevator will
flap up as shown.
RUDDER Quickly move the tail to the right around the yaw axis, the rudder will
turn to the right as shown.
Step 7: Emergency Mode (must connect the emergency cable) configuration
The emergency mode need an assigned switch in your transmitter (Rebound
Toggle Switch is better).Toggle the switch to activate the emergency
function(switich channel signal 100).When you release or turn off the emergency
switch(switich channel signal less than 100),NX3evo will return to the previous
flight mode.When Emergency Mode activeated, the plane will flying level and up
rapidly for about 3 seconds.If you do not release or turn off the emergency
switch ,the plane keep roll levelling and pitch climbbing flying attitude.
Step 8: Radio Stick Direction Calibration
When active emergency mode, the ELE will flap up and return original level slowly. If
it is not, you must calibrate the direction of your radio stick follow the steps below.
Please refer the picture on the right: move the switch ‘D’ & ‘V’ on
the right side, and switch’T’&’Y’ on the left side.
Power on the radio and NX3evo, wait patient until NX3evo LED
flashing slowly. Then move the two stick to the lower left corner
and hold this position until the LED turns off. That means the
calibration is done.
Re-set the DIP refor to 4.3.
5.Dual Aileron Setting
NX3evo support single aileron signal and dual aileron signal.If the Aileron R IN
cable be attached to the receiver ,Dual Aileron function will active automatively.
NX3evo also support Y-cable function if the Aileron R IN cable not be connected to
the receiver.
NOTE: if Dual Aileron function activated, please don’t use the beginner mode
6. Re-learn center position
The Controller has to re-learn center position after installation,or replacing a new
radio system, or making a trimming(or Sub-Trim)change within the transmitter,
otherwise the servos may move to one side automatically.To do this,just quickly flip
the flight mode switch twice within 1 second!
7. Flight mode details:
Beginner mode
feature: Aileron auto-leavel . roll angle limit to ±75 degree.
When the aileron stick back to center position, the aileron will keep level
The elevator will be control by youself, there is no auto-level function. But will
provide obvious assist,the pictch have attitude locking function.
Beginner mode is for very beginner player.Also can be used for short-range FPV.
Practice mode
feature: attitude locking for roll,pitch,yaw.restriction on roll and pitch speed.
Practice mode do not have auto-level and angle limit function.
Practice mode is for practise flying.
If you want yaw attitude locking, please refer 4.3 DIP configure.
3. Promotion mode
feature: attitude locking for roll,pitch,yaw.
Promotion mode is very likely from practice mode.It provide aititude locking
function.Compare to practice mode,promotion mode supply
more sensitive
sense of control .
If you want yaw attitude locking, please refer 4.3 DIP configure.
4. Expert mode
feature: simple Gyro correction.The best control sense.
It supply a simple Gyro correction and anti-wind function.
5. Emergency mode
feature: Roll auto-level,climb up.
You can triggle the emergency switch in beginner mode,practice mode,promotion
mode and expert mode to activeate emergency mode.In emergency mode,airecraft
will keep roll level and then climb up by a small degree.
MAT www.gdszmat.com