EN / Tank Level Interface / October 2009
Configuration for installers only
Sensor type
The sensor signal is a voltage, current or
Resistive Resistive,
Sensor power
Option for powered sensors. Smart: the sensor is
switched On only if necessary. * See below
Off, On, Smart
Sensor damping
Sensor fluctuations can be damped to different
levels. The heavier the damping, the larger the
fluctuations that are damped.
Light, medium , heavy
Tank type
This option allows for indicating the fluid type
contained in the tank or its filling type. Example: a
fresh water tank empties on use and a grey water
tank fills on use.
Fuel Fuel,
Grey water, Black
water, Empties on use,
Fills on use
Tank volume
Enter the tank volume as specified.
The volume is expressed in the unit selected.
0 Liter
0-65535 Liter,
0-17314 US Gallon,
0-14416 UK Gallon
Almost full alrm
Volume percentage at which the alarm Almost Full
must take place.
100 %
Almst.empty alrm Volume percentage at which the alarm Almost
Empty must take place.
0 %
This interface is calibrated by determining at
which level the tank is full and empty. The
interface calculates the tank level by interpolation.
Tank full, Tank empty
* For Smart powering, your sensor must be able to
produce a reliable signal within 100 milliseconds,
regardless the tank conditions. If you are not sure,
choose On first, calibrate and read the
corresponding AD values. Choose Smart next and
calibrate again. If the AD values compare well, your
sensor is convenient for Smart powering.
Insert the MasterBus cables, then connect the
sensor cables to the screw terminal 3 (if necessary) ,
4 and 5, see below. Finally connect the battery
cables (1, 2) if necessary.
Connection scheme of the Tanklevel Interface
1. Battery positive
2. Battery negative
3. Switched power positive
4. Sensor signal
5. Sensor negative
6. Communication led
MasterBus connector