Master Audio
Joker Series (JK46A). Version 1.0
directivity feature of (50º to 100º(H), 55º(V)) can be seen as if the horn itself had "two"
horizontal directivities (audience coverage), which depend on the distance. For short
distances the horn should be used with its "wide" dispersion (100º). For long
distances the horn should be used with its "narrow" dispersion (50º). We suggest you
to pay attention to the following examples.
3.3.1. Vertical-Positioned Cabinets (Flown and aiming to the audience)
We need wide coverage (100º) for the closest listeners and narrow coverage for the
distant audience.
Vertical position
3.3.2. Horizontal-Positioned Cabinets (Flown and aiming to the audience)
We need wide coverage (100º) for the closest listeners and narrow coverage for the
distant audience.
Horizontal position