0. Introduction - Specifications
Workshop Service Manual for CENTORA 7280-7282 Combine Range - EN_D3111800M2
Forged lifting eye fittings
(A) Load - (B) Shackle - (C) Shackle holding plate (3 mm
thick) - (D) Connector (may be welded to the plate).
In some cases special lifting accessories are available to
ensure that balance is maintained and handling can take
place without risk.
In the event of problems when removing a compo-
nent, check that all the bolts and nuts have been removed
and that no other parts are causing an obstruction.
Cleaning and penetration by foreign bodies
To ensure that the machine has the longest possible use-
ful life, it is important to protect its vital moving parts from
dust and foreign bodies. The necessary precautions must
therefore be taken. Guards, seals and filters are there to
keep the air, fuel and lubricant systems clean. Such pro-
tective devices must not be removed.
Whenever a hydraulic, fuel, lubricant or air line is discon-
nected, the disconnection point and surrounding area
must be cleaned. As soon as the line has been discon-
nected, a plug, cover or piece of tape must be applied to
the pipe or opening to prevent penetration by foreign bod-
Similarly, covers and inspection hatches must be cleaned
and the opening covered during removal.
Clean and inspect all parts. Check all channels and holes
for blockages. Cover components to stop them getting
dirty. The parts must be completely clean before reas-
sembly. New parts must remain in their packaging until
they are fitted.
When assembling a machine, complete the steps one by
one. Never put a partially assembled component to one
side in order to start assembling another component.
Make all the recommended adjustments. Check the fin-
ished work to make sure that nothing has been forgotten.
Check the various adjustments again before starting the
Before fitting new parts, remove the rust protec-
tion from all their machined surfaces (the coating gener-
ally peels off).
Fill the housing of repaired or replaced components as
instructed with clean, fresh lubricant of the type and
grade recommended in the section of the instruction
manual on regular maintenance.
When removing spacers, keep them all together and
mark the fitting point. Spacers must be clean and not
deformed when they are refitted.
Fig. 3