Step 14:
Place the 4” Inner Flue starter directly inside of the 8” Outer
Chimney (4” starter is only necessary on units with more than 2’
of masonry chimney). The Inner Flue should fit snuggly against
all 4 walls of the 8” Outer Chimney. (Figure 12)
Step 15:
Place the last 2 Inner Flues on top of one and other and
then slide two (2) 8” Outer Chimney directly around the Inner
Flues. With any excess mortar, or over any spots that may
need extra sealing. This will complete the assembly of your
Toscana Wood Fired Pizza Oven (Figure 13).
You are now able to finish the Pizza Oven in non-combustible
materials such as brick, stone, veneer, etc. If you are interested
in stucco please contact a local stucco contractor about an
application stucco with higher heat levels than normal.
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13