REF NO: m98A/om/101
Issue NO: 15
User’s Manual Page 11 of 25
8. Menu Guideline
8.1 Program Menu
Set point for relay-1.
Hysteresis for relay-1.(0-100)
Set point for relay -2.
Hysteresis for relay-2.(0-100)
8.2 Configuration Menu
8.2.1 Input Selection
Input Type Selection
Input Zero Setting
Input Span Setting
Decimal Point Setting (Only for Linear Inputs)
Engineering Unit Setting (°C, °F or °K, only for TC and RTD inputs)
8.2.2 Output Selection Retransmission:-
Output Channel Selection for Setting (1 or 2)
Output Type Selection
–20 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-5 V, 1-5 V, 0 – 10 V that will be provided as factory setting)
Output Zero Setting (Minimum 0.0
– 30.0 %) for scaling.
Output Span Setting (Maximum 70.0 - 100.0 %) for scaling.
Output Low Setting (Minimum 0.0
– 25.0 %)
Output High Setting (Maximum 75.0 - 100.0 %)
Output Upscale / Downscale Setting for OPEN input
Output direction setting (Direct / Reverse) Relay:-
Relay No. Selection for Setting purpose (1 or 2)
Relay Upscale / Downscale Setting for OPEN input
Selection for Operating relay above (high) or below (low) set point.
Selection of relay type i.e. Alarm or Trip or Open.
Latch selection whether “Latch yes” or “No Latch” only if alarm type relay is selected. Communication:-
Sr. No. Selection for setting purpose (1 to 247)
Baud Rate Selection for Setting Purpose (4800, 9600, 19200)