ModPac PDS 1/2013 Rev. 10
General Description
The Marvair
ModPac™ II air conditioner
is a vertical, wall mounted, cost effective air
conditioner designed for a variety of building types
and applications. The unit is manufactured in eight
sizes from 1 to 5 tons. Electric heat may be field
or factory installed. Disconnects are standard on
all units including the 460v. models. Accessories
include a full range of grilles and thermostats.
Cabinet color choices include standard Marvair
beige and grey as well as other options. A Marvair
first, the built-in mounting flanges simplifies
installation. The sloped top, another Marvair
original, eliminates the need for a rainhood.
Outside Air for Ventilation or
Free Cooling
A full range of accessories and options allows
the ModPac air conditioners to be optimized for
each application. For classrooms, a complete
range of ventilation options are available to meet the fresh
air requirements of the ASHRAE 62 standard. To insure
proper operation and optimum performance, all outside
air ventilation packages are non-removable and factory
The introduction of outside air can cause humidity levels
to rise to unacceptable levels. To reduce humidity, ModPac
air conditioners can be ordered with electric resistance reheat or a Hot Gas
Reheat (HGR) coil. The HGR coil allows the air conditioner to dehumidify without
adversely lowering the temperature in the classroom and uses less energy than
electric reheat. See page 4 for a detailed description of the operation of the Hot
Gas Reheat Coil.
Safety Listed & Energy Certified
All ModPac air conditioners are built to UL standard 1995, 2nd edition and
CAN/CSA C22, No. 236-5, 2nd edition. For energy efficiency and performance,
the units are tested and rated in accordance to the ANSI/ARI (Air-Conditioning
and Refrigeration Institute) Standard 390- 2003 (Single Package Vertical Units).
All AVPA units meet or exceed the efficiency requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE/
IESNA 90.1.2007. The ModPac air conditioners are commercial units and are not
intended for use in residential applications.
Pac™ II 1 to 5-Ton Vertical
Wall Mount Air Conditioners
Models AVPA12-20-24-30-36-42-48-60
ModPac II PDS 1/2013 rev. 10