1. Check that there are no loose screws or components on the machinery.
2. Place the pump on a level surface, but not immediately next to the water supply.
If the pump must be placed on a sloping or inclined surface, a level platform must be used. Be
sure to secure the pump adequately.
3. Where the weight of the suction hose causes the pump to tilt or move, secure the pump adequately.
4. Always attach the strainer to the end of the suction hose. If the pump is operated without the
strainer, pebbles and other materials will be sucked into the pump and could cause damage
and pump failure.
5. Be sure that the strainer is completely submerged, but not in contact with sandy or muddy bot
tom surfaces.
6. Secure the suction and outlet hoses tightly to the pump to avoid sucking air.
The following precautions will lessen the risk of fire.
1. Do not smoke near fuel.
2. Mix and pour fuel outdoors and where there are no sparks or flames.
3. Always shut off the engine before refueling. Never remove the fuel tank cap while the engine
is running or right after just stopping the engine.
4. Always open the fuel tank cap slowly to release any
possible overpressure inside the tank.
5. Do not overfill the fuel tank. Stop filling 1 /4-1 /2 inch
from the top of the tan.
6. Tighten the tank fuel cap carefully but firmly after
refilling ..
7. Wipe up any spilled fuel before starting the engine.
8. Move the water pump at least 1 O feet away from the
fueling location and fuel storage container before
starting the engine.
10 feet