This warranty does not cover the foDowing:
1. Maintenance item;; (.excluding defectsii�rt\;teriars;�lWorl<manship) Including hoses, spark plugs,
. starter rope, air and fuel filters; clutcll,sh�s/vi�a\)5n Isolators, throttle cables arid all cutting
attachments, etc. . .
'· .. : . ii:\>/.,.�:':)?'
2. Extra expenses including shipping and Fia@lipg'
fraitel, payment !or lost time or pay and for any
inconvenience and storage.
•. •;.·ac, ··•
3. Alterations or modttlca!ions lnclucfmg aftermarket parts not autholized by Maruyama U.S., Inc.
4. Wear, accident, abuse; negl!1ci,·01isuse, t1egligenc&,'irllprop1friuels;·lubticants, fuel mixtures (when
. appllcable), or.failure to operate .or maintain the product in accordai:icewi!h instructions approved by
. Maruyama
Repair or replacement .clS pr<Md1,d under this warranty is.the exclusive remedy pf the consuuier;.
Maruyama.shall not be liable for any incidental or qmsequential damages fo,r bre.ach of !!OY,��P,ress or
implied warranty on these products exceptto the extent prohibited by appl1cat>le law •. ,Ariy .implied
warranty of merchan!Eibliify or'litness for a particular purp'ose'on these products
limited ii{cforation to
the warranty period as defined in the limited warranty statement. Maruyama reserves the rights to
change pr improve the design of the product without notice and does not assume Iibiigaiion tri update
previously milimfactured products.·
'fhis warranty provides you with specttic legal rights, which may vary from state to state.
It is the Owner's and Dealer's responsibility to make sure the·warranty 'Registration Card'is properly filled
our and mailed to.Maruyama U.S., Inc. Proof of purchase and registration will be required in order to
obtain warranty service.
locate·an Alithdiiied Maruyama 8arvicing Dealer nearesfyou, contact:
Maruyama U.S., Inc.
PO Box309
Auburn, WA 98071-0309
Effective August 1, 2000