Before Operation
Under certain conditions, gasoline is extremely flammable and highly explosive.
The following precautions will greatly reduce the potential hazard.
1. Gasoline is highly flammable and must be handled and stored carefully. Use a container approved
for gasoline storage and keep out of the reach of children.
2. Do not smoke near fuel, the String Trimmer, or while operating the String Trimmer.
3. Always shut off the engine and allow it to cool before refueling.
4. Always open the fuel tank cap slowly to release any possible pressure inside the tank. Never remove
the fuel tank cap while running, or immediately after stopping, the engine.
5. Using a funnel, mix and pour fuel outdoors away from sparks and flames.
6. Do not overfill the fuel tank. Stop filling 1/4 - 1/2 inch (6mm-13mm) from the top of the tank to
allow gasoline room for expansion.
7. Tighten the tank fuel cap carefully but firmly after refilling.
8. Wipe up any spilled fuel before starting the engine.
9. Move the String Trimmer at least 10 feet (3m) away from the fueling location before starting the engine.
Recommended Oil Type
For your fuel pre-mix, use only Maruyama 50:1 two-cycle oil, or a quality oil designed for a
high-performance, two-cycle, air-cooled engine.
Do not use National Marine Manufacturer’s Association (NMMA) or BIAcertified oils.
These types of 2-cycle engine oil do not have the proper additives for air-cooled, 2-cycle engines
and can cause engine damage.
Do not use automotive motor oil. This type of oil does not have the proper additives for
air-cooled, 2-cycle engines and can cause engine damage.
Recommended Fuel Type
Use clean, fresh, lead-free gasoline, including oxygenated or reformulated gasoline, with an octane rating
of 85 or higher. To ensure freshness, purchase only the quantity of gasoline that can be used in 30 days.
Use of lead-free gasoline results in fewer combustion chamber deposits and longer spark plug life. Use of
a premium grade fuel is not necessary or recommended.