Martin Audio – MA1400 Amplifier
Balanced line with unbalanced equipment
For two-channel (stereo) operation, use both channels A and B. For tandem stereo or bridged mono operation, use
only one of the inputs. See
operating modes
for more details.
Connecting speakers
S pe aker co nn e ctio ns are m ad e via the tw o N eu trik® N L4 F C S pe akon co nn e ctors. Th e S pe akon co nn e ctor is
d esig ne d for high p o we r lou dspe a ke r u se a nd me ets a ll w o rldw ide safe ty re qu irem e nts.
C on ne ction s.
The Speakons are wired :
Channel A output
Pin +1, Pin -1 = Output A
Pin +2, Pin -2 = Output B
Channel B output
Pin +1, Pin -1 = Output B
The right Speakon, Channel A, has both channel A and B outputs available, so is useful for bridging and bi-amp
operation (see bridged mono operation on page (
). The left Speakon, Channel B, carries only the channel B
Channel A and B into two separate
Channel A and B into one Speakon
(Stereo and Bi-amp)
Bridged mono
Never connect either output terminal to ground or to some other output or input terminal (see warnings in chapter
For normal two-channel operation, connect each speaker load across the output’s positive and negative terminals.
Pay attention to speaker polarity; loudspeakers connected out of polarity degrade sound quality.
Keep the loudspeaker cables as short as possible and use a good quality stranded cable. Do not use shielded wire,
such as microphone or guitar cable. The loudspeaker cable reduces the power of the amplifiers in two ways:
It increases the load impedance and introduces resistive power losses.
WARNING: To prevent electric shock, do not operate the amplifier with any of the loudspeaker cable
conductors exposed.
All material © 2007. Martin Audio Ltd. Subject to change without notice.