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104 S. 8th Ave. Marshalltown, IA Phone 800-888-0127 / 641-753-0127 • Fax 800-477-6341 / 641-753-6341 www.MARSHALLTOWN.com
You are now ready to use the ENFORCER™
There are several adjustments that can be made to the
ENFORCER™ and the compressor to get the texture of spray you
• The more open the trigger; the more material will be
applied with a resulting coarser pattern.
• The higher the air pressure, the finer the pattern; the lower
the air pressure, the coarser the pattern.
• The higher the air flow, the finer the pattern; the lower the
air flow, the coarser the pattern.
• Larger orifice openings will produce a coarser pattern
than will a smaller opening.
• Of the three most popular patterns – orange peel,
knockdown, and popcorn – orange peel and knockdown
are generally applied to walls while popcorn aggregate is a
ceiling finish.
• The more open the mud flow control on the ENFORCER™,
the more mud that will be applied.
To apply orange peel:
Select the second smallest opening (#6) in
the orifice plate, set the trigger so that the end of the air nozzle is
approximately 1/8" (3.18 mm) from the orifice plate. Air pressure
should be 22–30 psi. Again, before spraying the finished product,
check for the desired texture on a scrap piece of sheetrock.
To apply knockdown:
Also referred to as splatter, change the orifice
plate to the middle opening (.315"/8.0 mm dia.) (#4), set the trigger
fully open. The air pressure should be reduced to 18–25 psi. Again,
before spraying finished product, check for the desired texture on a
scrap piece of sheetrock.
To apply popcorn ceiling texture:
Use one of the largest open-
ings (#1, 2, or 3) - Which one will depend on the size of the acoustic
aggregate. The trigger setting should be fully open. The air pressure
should be 30–40 psi.
The textures described above are made using either a 3/8" or
1/2" I.D. hose. If you are using a 1/4" I.D. hose, use greater air pressures
than specified.