3837 • U3 10/07
Boating Accidents
The operator of a vessel used for recreational purposes is required to file
a report whenever an accident results in loss of life or disappearance
from a vessel, an injury requiring medical treatment beyond first aid,
property damage in excess of $200 or complete loss of the vessel.
In cases of death and injury, reports must be submitted within 48 hours. In
other cases, reports must be submitted within 10 days. Reports must be
submitted in the state where the accident occurred.
Boating regulations
It is your responsibility to make sure that your boat is in compliance with
all federal, state and local regulations. Check with your local U.S. Coast
Guard office for relevant federal regulations. Your state’s Department of
Natural Resources may have some publications available which deal with
relevant state laws.
Dumping garbage into the sea is a worldwide problem. U.S. Coast Guard
regulations prohibit dumping plastic refuse and garbage mixed with plastic
into any waters, and restrict the dumping of other forms of garbage. It is
essential that all boaters help to clean our waterways by properly disposing
of all garbage.
The Federal Water Pollution Control Act prohibits the discharge of oil or
oily waste into or upon the navigable waters and contiguous zone of
the United States if such discharge causes a film or sheen upon, or
discoloration of, the surface of the water, or causes a sludge or emulsion
beneath the surface of the water. Violators are subject to a significant fine.
Septic Waste
On U.S. inland and coastal waters, it is illegal to discharge septic waste
directly overboard. If your boat is equipped with an overboard discharge
option, check with your local U.S. Coast Guard office to be sure that you
are in compliance with federal regulations.
State and Local Ordinances
Your state or locality may have laws limiting speed, noise, or your boat’s
wake. Check with your harbor master to find out whether your boat’s
operation is restricted in any way by local ordinances or state laws. Check
with state and local authorities to make sure that you are in compliance
with local regulations regarding marine sanitation, noise, speed and wake.