4. Power
Short Circuits
The Delta Control 4 f can transmit a
maximum electrical output of 32 VA.
If the powered required at the outputs for
the Delta Control 4 f is higher than this
limit, then the internal overload protec-
tion in the Delta Control 4 f is automati-
cally activated. Either a short circuit or
the use of too many electrical consu-
mers on the layout can trip the circuit
breaker protection.
In the event of a short circuit (example:
a derailed locomotive) turn the address
selector switch to a “Stop” position.
Next, find and correct the cause of the
short circuit.
After an overload caused by the use of
too many consumers, the Delta Control 4 f
will come back on after an appropriate
period of time for the integrated short
circuit protective circuit to cool off. If the
overload keeps happening again, then
you must check the power requirements
on your layout. The following overview
will help you do this:
Single-motor locomotive
in operation
5 – 10 VA
Smoke generator
Sound module
Light bulb
1 – 2 VA
With a maximum output power of 32 VA
the power transmission capability of the
Delta Control 4 f is usually enough for
4 locomotives in operation. Examples of
“Power Hogs” are lighted cars, smoke
generators and sound modules. When
you have power requirements too high
for the Delta Control 4 f, you can resort
to power-saving technology (examples:
locomotives with C-Sine propulsion
instead of Delta propulsion, the use of
LED’s instead of light bulbs) or you can
switch over to the Märklin Digital
System. The Delta Control 4 f can also
be used there as a Booster.
5. Expanding with the
Hand Controller
The Delta Control 4 f can be retrofitted
with a Delta Pilot (item no. 6605) hand
controller. A fifth locomotive can than be
used with this hand controller. The
address for this locomotive is set with
switches 1, 2, 3 and 4 at the “on” position
on universal locomotives with 4 coding
switches or on digital or universal loco-
motives with 8 coding switches with
switches 1, 3, 5 and 7 at the “on” posi-
tion (2, 4, 6 and 8 at “off”). The Delta
Pilot has no controllable function feature.
The Delta Pilot is connected to the two
gray sockets on the back of the
Delta Control 4 f.