5. Transport and storage
Store and transport this product in dry conditions and
protected e.g. against mechanical and chemical influences.
6. Maintenance and cleaning
If it is stored and installed correctly and not subjected to a
load, this product has an unlimited service life. The service
life may decrease depending on the type of use and
external influences. The product must be cleaned using
water. Acidic cleaning agents must be avoided. After a fall,
the anchor device must be taken out of use (see Point 8).
6.1 Repairs
Repairs (e.g. if screws are not seated securely in the
installation base) may only be performed by specialist
companies. Only MARK Save A Life GmbH may modify
or add to the product described in this instruction manual.
6.2 Spare parts
If you need spare parts, please contact:
MARK Save A Life GmbH
Gleinkerau 23
4582 Spital am Pyhrn
Tel.: +43 (0) 7563 8002 111
Fax: +43 (0) 7563 8041 111
[email protected]
7. Testing
7.1 Installation report and inspection report
The installation report and the inspection report are
included in the product packaging and, if necessary,
are available to download at www.savealife.
Complete the installation report and inspection
report carefully.
Observe the manufacturer’s information
according to the instruction manual.
7.2 Visual and functional inspection
The visual and functional inspection is only valid subject to
the reservation that components of the product have not
been modified or altered.
1. Move buckle out of lock
2. Fold up buckle
Working position
3. Fold buckle down
after use
4. Move buckle into lock
An inspection must be carried out at least once a
year by a competent person.
The visual and functional inspection requires
no involvement from external testing
authorities. Test loads do not need to be
Check that the product labels are legible.
If the inspection indicates that it may be unsafe
to continue using the product, you must not use it
again under any circumstances; instead, ensure
it can no longer be used (see Point 8) and replace
The result of this inspection must be entered in
the inspection report.
The frequency of the inspection will depend on how often
and how intensely the product is used, as well as on the
operating environment. If the product is subjected to
extremely heavy stress, the inspection must be performed
more than once a year.
8. Disposal
MARK Save A Life GmbH is committed to protecting
the environment. We endeavour to consider the
environment when manufacturing our products and hope
that our customers will use and dispose of them in an
environmentally responsible manner.
8.2 How should you dispose of this product?
Dispose of this product in such a way that it cannot
possibly be re-used (by snapping off the buckle). Dispose
of this product as recyclable used metal, according to
national regulations and standards.
9. Resale
This product may only be resold with the instruction
manual, installation report and inspection report. The
purchaser must always be given these documents in their
respective official national language. This is the seller's
8.1 When do you have to dispose of this product?
If the visual and functional inspection has
identified defects.
If the buckle will no longer engage in the lock.
If it seems unsafe to continue using the product.
If there is damage (tears, cracks, etc.).
If there is deformation (e.g. caused by a fall or a
heavy load).
If it no longer complies with state-of-the-art
10. Accidents
Activities that require use of this product can often be
dangerous. There are also many potential ways of using
it incorrectly and it is not possible for us to state them
all here or even to come up with an exhaustive list. The
information below is designed to help you avoid accidents,
but is no substitute for experience, personal responsibility
and knowledge, nor does it release you from your own
individual risk.
Check the application area and fall space for
potential hazards before every use of this
Before every use, think about how rescue
measures can be carried out safely and
effectively (see Point 2.1.1).
Draw up a rescue plan that covers all rescue
measures for all possible emergency situations.
10.1 Suspension trauma
Suspension trauma (orthostatic shock) can occur in the
event of a fall or a lengthy descent. Suspension trauma
can cause lifelong health consequences and can even be
10.1.1 How can you recognise suspension trauma?
Paleness, sweating
Initially, a rise in pulse and blood pressure
Shortness of breath
Impaired vision
Dizziness, nausea
A drop in pulse and blood pressure