WSO100 User’s Manual
Page A2
Appendix A – NMEA 2000
Revision 1.2
Field 1: SID – The sequence identifier field is used to tie related PGNs together. For
example, the WSO100 will transmit identical SIDs for 130306 (Wind Data) and
130311 (Environmental Parameters) to indicate that the readings are linked together
(i.e., the data from each PGN was taken at the same time although they are reported
at slightly different times).
2: Temperature Instance – This field is used to distinguish the temperature reading
from this device from those of other devices. The value of this field is user-
3: Temperature Source – The WSO100 sets this field to a value of 0x01 to indicate that
the temperature reading is a reading of outside temperature.
Temperature – This field is used to indicate the outside air temperature in
units of 0.01°K.
5: Set Temperature – This field is not used by the WSO100 and is set to a value of
“Data Not Available”.
PGN 130313 – Humidity
The WSO100 uses this PGN to provide a regular transmission of outside humidity. The factory
default for periodic transmission rate is disabled. The transmission of this PGN can be enabled
(see PGN 126208 – NMEA Request Group Function – Transmission Periodic Rate).
Field 1: SID – The sequence identifier field is used to tie related PGNs together. For
example, the WSO100 will transmit identical SIDs for 130306 (Wind Data) and
130311 (Environmental Parameters) to indicate that the readings are linked together
(i.e., the data from each PGN was taken at the same time although they are reported
at slightly different times).
2: Humidity Instance – This field is used to distinguish the humidity reading from this
device from those of other devices. The value of this field is user-programmable.
3: Humidity Source – The WSO100 sets this field to a value of 0x01 to indicate that the
temperature reading is a reading of outside humidity.
4: Actual Humidity – This field is used to indicate the outside humidity in units of
5: Set Humidity – This field is not used by the WSO100 and is set to a value of “Data
Not Available”.
PGN 130313 – Actual Pressure
The WSO100 uses this PGN to provide a regular transmission of atmospheric pressure. The
factory default for periodic transmission rate is disabled. The transmission of this PGN can be
enabled (see PGN 126208 – NMEA Request Group Function – Transmission Periodic Rate).
Field 1: SID – The sequence identifier field is used to tie related PGNs together. For
example, the WSO100 will transmit identical SIDs for 130306 (Wind Data) and
130311 (Environmental Parameters) to indicate that the readings are linked together
(i.e., the data from each PGN was taken at the same time although they are reported
at slightly different times).
2: Pressure Instance – This field is used to distinguish the pressure reading from this
device from those of other devices. The value of this field is user-programmable.