Versa Electronics
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RANGE— The Showdown 5.6 Dual Beam is equipped with 6-separate depth
ranges—20, 40, 60, 80, 120, and 240-feet. Regardless of the manual depth
range setting, Showdown 5.6 Dual Beam will always display digital depth,
even if the bottom is deeper than the bottom limit of the
RANGE setting
(down to 240’).
AUTO RANGE— Your Showdown 5.6 Dual Beam will automatically lock into
the depth range appropriate to the depth of the water. For instance, in 32-feet
of water, Showdown 5.6 Dual Beam will automatically lock in at the 40-foot
depth range. Auto Range allows you to simply turn on the power and begin
MANUAL RANGE— To manually adjust the Showdown’s depth range, press
RANGE key. This will cause the digital depth markers to flash on-and-off,
indicating that the sonar has switched from
RANGE mode.
While the display is flashing, press either the
UP or DOWN key to toggle
between depth ranges—20-FT, 40-FT, 60-FT, 80-FT, 120-FT, 240-FT. Pressing
UP moves RANGE to the next shallower depth zone; DOWN moves to the
next deeper zone. To return to Auto Range, press the
RANGE key, and then
press the
UP key (moving Range to the next shallower setting) until the Range
passes the 20-foot range by one step. At this point, you will hear an audible
fast beep, and see a flashing “
A” icon above the FEET indicator.
ZOOM— The Zoom feature allows you to focus the display on a specific
depth within the water column. This position of the
ZOOM window is
adjustable in one-foot increments. Zoom can focus on bottom (for detect-
ing bottom-hugging fish), or at any level above bottom. The Zoom window is
programmed to display 25% of the depth range (i.e. – in 100 feet of water, you
will zoom to different 25-foot segments of the water column).
The Showdown 5.6 Dual Beam sonar also offers Auto Bottom Track Zoom
that automatically zooms and locks onto the bottom 25-percent of the water
column. This is especially useful for locating bottom-hugging fish like walleyes
and perch.
MANUAL ADJUSTABLE ZOOM— To zoom the display in on a specific
segment of the water column, press the
ZOOM key once. Once ZOOM is
activated, the word
ZOOM will appear at the top left of the display screen.
You can now adjust ZOOM to any depth segment by simply pressing the
UP or DOWN keys—once for each ZOOM level. To ZOOM into the bottom,
simply continue pressing the
DOWN key until you reach the desired level.
To disengage
ZOOM (bringing the Showdown 5.6 Dual Beam back to normal
surface-to-bottom view) simply press the
ZOOM button a second time. The
ZOOM indicator will no longer appear at the top left of the display.