Versa Electronics
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HoW To obTaIn servICe
We want our products to provide you with a pleasant on-the-water experi-
ence. That means maximum customer satisfaction. If you have a problem with
your unit please contact Versa Electronics toll free number at
(888) 778-1208
for a Return Authorization Number (RA#) or e-mail us at
No service returns will be accepted without this return authorization number,
which must be clearly marked on the outside of the package. Versa Electron-
ics retains the exclusive right to repair or replace the unit at its discretion.
The customer is responsible for shipping costs associated with returning the
unit to Versa Electronics. Versa Electronics will pay for shipping the repaired
unit back to the customer while it is still under warranty. All out of warranty
services will be charged a fee for service and shipping which must be paid in
advance. After obtaining a Return Authorization number, the unit should be
securely packed and shipped “pre-paid freight” and insured to Versa Electron-
ics. It is the consumers’ full responsibility to track their products sent out in
the mail or other forms of delivery service. Versa Electronics will not be liable
for lost packages sent out in the mail. Unless specified otherwise, do not
include batteries or other accessories when returning the product for repair.
Versa Electronics will not be responsible for lost or damaged accessories.
Please allow a minimum of 10 business days to complete your repair.
Soft Pack
Transducer Arm
Ice Transducer
12 v 9 amp Battery
Power Cord
Battery Charger
Open water transducers
Replacements for these items can be ordered off our website, marcumtech.
com or by calling the toll-free number 888-778-1208
Versa Electronics
3943 Quebec Avenue N.
Minneapolis, MN 55427
RA# _________________
Note: The RA number must
be clearly marked on the
outside of the package