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The following is an explanation of each button on the control panel and what it does. Some of
the button functions can also be accessed in the main menu. Pressing any of the Control Panel
buttons will cause a window to open, enabling the user to make the desired adjustments. All
button function windows will time out after about 6 seconds. Any changes made to the settings
will activate when the MENU button is pressed, or after a few seconds without activity.
- Press and hold this button for 2 seconds to turn your unit on or off.
- The SENS (sensitivity) button controls the amount of sensitivity required by the unit to
pick up objects like bottom, weeds, fish, or lures and jigs. The lower the number, the less
sensitivity, conversely higher numbers mean more sensitivity. To adjust your sensitivity, first
press the SENS button and a bar will appear at the bottom of your display. Pressing the UP/
DOWN will adjust your sensitivity, and the sensitivity setting will now be digitally displayed on the
SENS gauge. The best SENS setting is achieved by turning up your sensitivity until you receive
a clear and steady bottom reading(start between 15 and 20). To see your lure or bait, turn up the
SENS some more until you just begin to display your bait without it fading or flickering on the
screen. The sensitivity will go up to 25, but you are likely to have it set considerably lower.
- The MarCum Digital Sonar has nine different fixed ranges, as well as the ability to
create custom ranges using the Dynamic Depth feature. Pressing the RANGE button on your
Digital Sonar will open a sub-menu with four different range options.
Suggested for “Open Water” use.
Selecting AUTO will put the Digital Sonar
into a sort of “search mode” where it will detect the bottom and automatically lock into one of the
nine ranges [10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 120, 180, 240, and 300]. This is a feature that allows you to
simply turn on the unit and begin fishing. To enter Auto Range, press RANGE, and use the UP
button to highlight “Auto”, and the Digital Sonar will automatically lock into the appropriate depth
range. For instance, in 32 feet of water, the Digital Sonar will lock into the 40-foot range. In 45
feet of water the Digital Sonar will automatically lock into the 60-foot range.
Suggested for “Ice Fishing” use.
Selecting MANUAL will allow the user to
decide which fixed range they would like to have displayed. Highlight MANUAL, and arrow up or
down to the desired depth range.
Suggested for “Open Water” use.
This MarCum exclusive feature functions similarly
to the “Auto Range”, but fine tunes your range setting even farther. The Dynamic Depth will
maximize the space on your display by utilizing a variable range that will always be just slightly
deeper than the actual depth. For example, if you were fishing in 23 feet of water, the Dynamic
Depth feature will automatically create a custom range of 0 - 25 feet. Similarly, if you were in 29
feet of water, the Dynamic Depth range will be 32 feet. The Dynamic Depth range will not go
shallower than 10 feet.
Suggested for “Ice Fishing” use.
This functions similarly to the DYNAMIC
DEPTH, but allows the user to select the depth range. For instance, say you start out in AUTO
range and you quickly learn that the water is 21 feet deep. The AUTO range will have selected
the 0-40 foot range. To fine tune your display, press the RANGE button, and highlight MANUAL
DYNAMIC. Now start pressing the UP/DOWN buttons to get to the desired DYNAMIC DEPTH
range. If the water is 21 feet deep, you would select 22 feet. Now the DYNAMIC DEPTH has
created a 0 – 22 foot range, utilizing virtually 100% of your display.
We offer the manual range functions because in some circumstances the AUTO range functions
can behave erratically. In situations where there is heavy weed growth, uneven bottom contours,