Marathon microDL Quick Start Manual Download Page 2

utes, it will automatically calculate the Duration of Recording to 79 days and 
21 hours.

• Mean Kinetic Temperature: 

Note: this feature is only available with the sil-

ver micro-DL. 83.44kJ/mole is the default activation energy. The user can 
enter different value, if known.

A L A R M S   T A B :


Temperature GREATER Than: 

Set the maximum temperature for an alarm 

condition to be triggered.


Temperature LESS Than: 

Set the mini-

mum temperature for an alarm condition 
to be triggered.



Time over or under the 

alarm continuously.



Total cumulative time over 

or under the alarm (this feature is avail-
able only with the silver micro-DL)

P R O P E R T I E S   T A B :


Stop Condition:

 The Push Start button on the micro-DL logger may be 

enabled as a Stop button mechanism.


Memory Configuration: 

The memory 

may be configured two ways. The 
default is Record to End of Memory (rec-
ommended). The other is Continuous 
which writes over the oldest data.


• Simply detach the micro-DL unit from the 

reader station and press the Start button 
for 7 seconds until Run appears in the 

Starting The Logger

• To start recording, press the black Start button and hold it for 7 seconds until 

the RUN displays three times.

• To confirm that that the logger has been 

started, REC will appear in the upper left 
of the display. 

The microDL can now be placed where you 
want to record the temperature.

REC indicates 
that the microDL 
is recording 

Start button

Configuring the micro-DL on Your Computer

• Double click on the MDAS-
PRO, or go to Start, All 
Programs, MDAS-PRO.

• Click on MicroDL. 

• Click on Logger 

The Logger Initialization screen 
allows you to set up your 
parameters for the micro-DL 
logger by using the four fold-

S E T U P   T A B :



 Enter alpha-numeric infor-

mation, such as the location of the unit.

• Tracking Number:

 Enter numeric infor-

mation, such as a record number for ship-
ping or receiving.

• Logger Clock:

 Set the time manually in 

the window, or set the logger time based 
on the time on your PC.

• Battery Status: 

This displays the date 

when the battery was installed or replaced.

M E A S U R E M E N T   T A B :


Start Delay:

 Set a time delay in either hours, minutes, or seconds before the 

micro-DL will begin to record.


Measurement Times: 

Set the length of 

time in days or hours that you wish to 
record data. Please note that the Duration 
of Recording and Interval Between 
Measurements are dynamically linked. 
Setting the Duration of Recording will 
automatically calculate the 


Interval Between Measurements:


Conversely, setting the Interval Between 
Measurements, will automatically calculate 
the Duration of Recording. For example, if you set the Duration of Recording 
to 3 Days, it will automatically calculate the Interval Between Measurements 
as 34 seconds. Or, if you set the Interval Between Measurements at 15 min-

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