1.Turn on
2.Turn off
3.Log in
Plug the power supply and turn on the power supply switch. Power supply
indicator light shining indicates turning on the video recorder. A�er the
startup you will hear a beep. The default se�ng of video output is
mul�ple-window output mode.
Note: 4/8/16CH XVR no switch by default, power on can be started
There are two methods to turn off the DVR. Entering [main menu] and
choosing [turn off] in the [turn off the system] op�on is called so� switch.
Pressing the power supply switch is called hard switch.
Note: The se�ng informa�on must be saved before replacing the ba�ery
otherwise informa�on will lose.
When the DVR boots up, the user must login and the system provides the
corresponding func�ons with the user purview. There are two user
se�ngs. The names are admin and guest, and the corresponding
passwords are both null. Admin is the super user purview and guest is the
common user purview.
Password protec�on: If the password is con�nuous wrong seven �mes, it
will alarm and the account will be locked.(A�er reboot or half an hour, the
account will be unlocked automa�cally.) For your system security, please
modify your password a�er first login.