Assembly Manual for Junkers Ju 88
Copyright 2007 Thomas A. Jacoby and WarbirdKits.com
Glue the horizontal stabilizer into the slot in the
Glue a piece of scrap 3/16 balsa filler into the fuselage
slot behind the horizontal stabilizer.
Glue the fin and rudder to the fuselage.
Finishing Your Model
Cover the fuselage with 1/2-ounce glass cloth and
finishing resin for maximum strength. Other iron-on
coverings may also work.
Cover the wing and tail surfaces with your choice of
iron-on coverings.
Paint and decorate the model as desired – see the
Paint and Markings Guide
on our Website for more
Seal the entire model with a light coat of Krylon clear
Glue the canopy and nose glazing in place.
CAUTION: You must seal the decals before immersing
them in water!
The decals included in this kit are printed with Epson
DuraBrite™ inks on premium inkjet water-slide decal paper
available. Follow the steps below to achieve a great looking
set of markings on your model.
Seal the decals with several thin coats of Krylon
Crystal Clear™ spray varnish. Make sure you
thoroughly cover the ink; this will prevent smears and
stains during everyday handling.
Make sure the surface where the decal is to be applied
is smooth and glossy. Matte surfaces will permit tiny air
bubbles to be trapped between the surface and the
decal, thus spoiling the decal.
Cut out and trim all the markings that you plan to apply
in this session.
Dip the decal in a bowl of water for about 30 to 40
seconds. Using your fingers, gently try to slide the
decal off the backing paper. As soon as the decal
slides, slide it off the backing paper and onto the model
in the desired position. Use a soft absorbent cloth to
gently blot excess water from the decal. Allow the
decal to dry.
– You can practice with bits of decal cut from the
copyright notice.
Spray a coat of Krylon Crystal Clear varnish over the
Flying Setup
Keep the model as light as possible for best
Your Ju 88 model should balance at 2.5” to 2.75”
behind the leading edge at the center chord.
Set the control throws to:
Elevator: 1/2” up – 1/2” down
Ailerons: 3/8” up – 1/4” down