Mantracourt Electronics Limited
T24-RA User Manual
Data Rates and Quality
This page allows you to select the rate at which data is transmitted from the acquisition module and the
quality. By selecting low power mode and entering some other information the toolkit will also give guides on
achievable battery life.
Note that the battery life calculator is assuming the best case scenario which is at 20°C and that the battery
has a suitable low internal resistance or that a suitable capacitor is fitted across the battery. See battery
details in the Installation section.
Items you can change:
Transmit Interval
Enter the transmission rate in milliseconds. The default is 300 giving
approximately 3 per second which is ideally suited to reading on a handheld.
You may want to slow this down to achieve longer battery life.
Sample Time
This is the length of time in milliseconds that the input is sampled before the
value is transmitted. This can vary between 5 milliseconds and close to the
Transmit Interval. A shorter sample time means that the device is awake for
less time so battery life is increased but at the expense of a reading with less
noise free resolution. You can vary this to see the effect on battery.
Low Power Mode
Unless the acquisition module is non battery powered this should be set to
Yes. In between transmissions the acquisition module will enter sleep mode
which, for some modules such as the strain gauge acquisition module, will
have a massive effect on battery life.
A Reason for
using Low Power Mode would be if using the device in a
Master-Slave arrangement with PC for example.
Battery Type
This is not a parameter of the device but information used by the battery life
guide. You can choose from some preset batteries or choose custom to allow