The instructions below are meant for a professional installer.
Those instructions are to ensure that the actions related to the installation
and maintenance of the equipment are performed professionally.
After unpacking, check if the equipment has no visible damages. Never
connect the cooker that was damaged in transportation. Remove the
stickers and wash the cooker from the remaining glue from the stickers.
• The kitchen should be dry and airy and have working ventilation
in line with the applicable technical regulations. The legal basis,
based on which we assess if the gas cooker is fit for installation is
the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure dated April 12, 2002
on technical conditions that should be met by buildings and their
locations (Journal of Laws, 2002, No. 75, item 690).
• The room should be equipped with ventilation system that drives
off the combustion fumes from the room. The installation should
consist of a ventilation outlet or a hood. The hoods should be
installed in line with the instructions from the manuals attached.
The positioning of the cooker should guarantee unrestricted access
to all controlling elements.
• The room should also guarantee access of fresh air, which is neces-
sary to burn gas correctly. The air supply should not be less than 2
m3/h for burner power of 1 kW. The air may be supplied as a result
of direct flow from outside via a duct with a minimum cross-sec-
tion of 100 cm2, or indirectly from the neighbouring rooms, which
are provided with ventilation ducts leading outside.
• If equipment is used intensively and for a long time, it may be
necessary to open the window for improved ventilation.