Manrose DCT0172 Quick Start Manual Download Page 4

Installation Instructions


Specifi cations are subject to change without notice  

Page 4

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Distributed by Simx Limited

Roof Cowl Kits

PUB0212 2008


Cut correct size hole in ceiling per fan supplier’s installation instructions.
From above, locate the fan shroud centrally over the fan mounting hole. 
It is recommended that the base of the shroud is sealed against the ceiling lining using a suitable proprietary waterproof silicone sealant. 
The ceiling lining and raw edge of the hole should also be sealed with a suitable paint sealer or other. 
This simple procedure will ensure that any condensation that forms within the shroud will not permeate the ceiling lining over time. 
Feed fan electrical cable into fan shroud using the supplied cord-grip grommet.

Install the fan, ensuring that the three fan mounting clamps on the top-side of the ceiling lining clamp down onto the 3 x shroud base web inserts. 
This ensures that the shroud is fi rmly held in place.

For applicable oulet fan kits, fi t the adapter to the fan exhaust spigot and secure the adapter/fan spigot joint with duct tape.


Condensation is a physical phenomenon caused by temperature differentials. In order to minimise the effects of condensation, consideration should 
be given to the following points:

Insulation of ducting transitions through cold roof voids.


Use of ‘RUN-ON’ timers, to fully evacuate the moist air generated by showers etc. This will subsequently have a drying effect within the duct.


Use of a condensation trap. This could work out to be an expensive accessory. Contact Simx for further advice.

Fasten the tube to the roof truss or rafter using the clamp bracket supplied. 
The tube/cowl must be mounted vertically to ensure weatherproofi ng.

Slide the fl exible ducting over the tube and secure in place with duct tape. 

Stretch the fl exible ducting tightly to shroud the spigot 
and cut the length accordingly.

Slide over the spigot and secure in place with duct tape.

