wet or unseasoned wood will cause tar deposits in the stove and unsatisfactory heat
output will occur.
First Fires / Burning In
It is
a requirement to ‘Burn In’ this appliance by having 2 or 3 small fires before operating
your stove to its maximum heat output. This can help both the paint and cast iron
construction to cure steadily, thereby giving a long service life to the Stove. During the
initial period, there may be an unpleasant paint smell, you may keep all doors and
windows open for your comfort, though the smell is non-toxic.
First, load with starting fuel, i.e. paper, dry sticks or firelighters etc. Second, Light the fire
at the base keeping all air controls open. Wait until the fuel reaches a steady glow, then
build the fire up step by step, more fuel should be added when you have a nice fire settled
across the grate bed. This should be repeated 2-3 times whilst gradually increasing the
amount of fuel and building up the heat intensity gradually.
Warning! You need to check for blockage prior to re-lighting after a prolonged shut down
Shutting Down
Firstly, close the primary air controls;
Secondly, close the secondary air controls;
The fire will eventually extinguish due to a lack of air for combustion.
When lighting or reviving the fire, it is recommended to open the primary air controls first,
followed by the secondary air controls.
Warning! The stove will remain hot after the fire has been extinguished, please exercise
caution during this time
Recommended Fuels
Fuels vary greatly in quality and performance. Anthracite is an approved natural
smokeless fuel (not processed). Sufficient air supply and above average fuel bed
temperatures are required to maintain best performance for this fuel, therefore, we
suggest the fuel is used in combination with other approved manufactured smokeless
fuels as per the HETAS approved list.
The following fuels are approved in a closed appliance by HETAS:
Coalite Nuts
Homefire Ovals