1. From the main menu, select Configure > Language.
2. Press the up/down navigation button to scroll through the language
options and press the enter button to apply the selected language.
NOTE: The language selected applies to the Radio menus and system messages
only. The station names shown vary according to station locations.
Text entry
When you add the address of an online radio station or use a WEP key for
wireless network security, you need to enter text.
To enter upper/lower case letters, symbols, or numbers:
1. Press the up/down navigation button or rotate the volume knob
clockwise/counterclockwis e to select a character from the following:
A a B
b…Z z $ % & # _ ^ ~ ` “ ', . : ; ? ! * - + @ < = > { ¦ } [ \ ] ( / ) 0 1…9
2. Press the right navigation button to proceed to the next. Press the
enter button or the volume knob when done.
If you want to set your IP address and other IP parameters or set the time, date
and an alarm, follow the way described in Step 1 above to select numbers, and
then repeat Step 2 above.
Connecting the Radio to the network
Before enjoying online radio stations worldwide, you must first connect your
Palmyra Radio to the network via a wireless connection. Contact your Internet
service provider (ISP) for more information about setting up your wireless
Internet connection.