RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks)
RAID technology manages multiple disk drives to enhance I/O performance and provide
redundancy in order to withstand the failure of any individual member, without the loss of data.
Disk Striping (RAID 0)
Striping is a performance-oriented, non-redundant data mapping technique. While striping is
discussed as a RAID set type, it is actually does not provide fault tolerance. With modern SATA
bus-mastering technology, multiple I/O operations can be done in parallel, enhancing performance.
Striping arrays use multiple disks to form a larger virtual disk.
Disk Mirroring (RAID 1)
Disk mirroring creates an identical twin for a selected disk by having the data simultaneously
written to two disks. This redundancy provides instantaneous protection from a single disk failure.
If a read failure occurs on one drive, the system reads the data from the other drive.