Manfrotto Lastolite XpoBalance Instructions Download Page 3

Possible Uses of the XpoBalance 

Pre-Capture: Exposure Selection 

The XpoBalance allows you to accurately set your exposure before you 



1.  Select the spot meter on your camera, or 

use spot meter. 

2.  Take a spot meter reading off of one of 

the three greys. A reading off of the 18% 

grey will give a mid exposure, the dark 

grey will over-expose the shot by half a 
stop and the light grey will under-expose 

the shot by half a stop.  

3.  Turn your camera to manual and set your 

exposure according to the most appropri-
ate reading. 


The XpoBalance is perfect for the photographer working under pressure e.g. 

weddings, catwalk etc. By taking one photo in each different lighting situation 
with the XpoBalance in shot the busy photographer can then continue shoot-

ing leaving the worry of perfect exposure and calibration until after the shoot. 

Even then, exposure and calibration adjustments need to be done to only one 

photo—the rest of the photos taken under the same lighting conditions, can 
be batch processed.


Adjusting Tones: Post Capture 


Take one photo in each different lighting 

condition with the Black/White/Grey side of 
the XpoBalance in shot.



Using image editing software such as Pho-

toshop®  open up the image with the 

XpoBalance in it.



Using Photoshop®  you would go into 




Apply the white dropper to the white sec-

tion of the XpoBalance to highlight white 
tones e.g. the bride’s dress, the black drop-

per to the black section to emphasize the 

dark tones e.g. the groom’s suit and the 
grey dropper to the grey section to adjust 

the mid-tones e.g. for accurate skin tones.


