SP180-H | 1.03.01
M&C gas sample probes provide direct insitu ultra-fine filtration during continuous gas sampling for analytic
measurements. In this way, part of the necessary maintenance work for a system is concentrated on a single point.
This filter technology has the major advantage that dust mixtures consisting of ultra-fine and coarse dusts can be
optimally retained with the least possible maintenance work.
Optimal adaptation of the sample probe to processing conditions and to measurement work is a necessary
condition for a measurement system to work smoothly. Basically, the gas sample should be kept to a necessary
minimum. This is made possible thanks to optimised downstream gas processing using M&C components. Only in
this way it is possible to reduce maintenance to a minimum while ensuring maximum availability.
Serial numbers
The product label with the serial number is located inside the terminal box of the sample probe.
Please refer to this serial number if you have any questions about your sample probe or if you need to order spare
parts or consumables.
Power supply
The probe can be operated on alternating current in the range of 110 V AC to 240 V AC.