Mammoth Classic Air Purifier User Guide
Mammoth Classic Air Purifier User Guide
© 2012 Mammoth Classic Air Purifier | Version 2012
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For Question Call:
Q. how does the Classic air Purifier compare to air filters?
The Classic Air Purifier has both active and passive air purification. Passively,
it uses both HEPA and Carbon filter to trip small particles and odors. Actively,
the Classic Air Purifier produces both activated oxygen and negative ions to
remove strong odors and settle out particulates, like dust.
Q. Is ozone safe?
Ozone in very high concentrations can be irritating to mucous membranes and
the respiratory system. We recommend you set the O3 dial properly, either for
short-term temporary use (in less than five (5) minutes) or for longer-term use
with no pets or people are around.
Q. where should I place the air Purifier in my home or office?
The Classic Air Purifier should be placed in the room where you have the most
pollutants. The purifier is lightweight and easy to move so it is recommended
that you try placing it in a couple of locations to help decide what works best
for your environment. An elevated location is better to distribute ions and
activated oxygen more evenly. The Classic Air Purifier works best if it is placed
within 10 feet of a cold air return from an AC duct.
Q. what is the life expectancy for the Classic air Purifier?
The Classic Air Purifier is made of stainless steel and solid wood construction.
Because of the quality material and superior craftsmanship that goes into each
air purifier, you can enjoy it for many years to come.
Q. Is the Purifier difficult to install?
No, the Classic Air Purifier is easy to set up. For use without O3, the air purifier
is already ready to be used. For O3, simply install the O3 plates (located in a
separate box packaged inside the carton), plug it in, and turn the separate O3
dial. Install the Classic Air Purifier in any room with the purifier recommended
four (4) or more feet off the ground.
Q. what does the air Purifier do?
The Classic Air Purifier is designed to trap 99% of the bacteria, mold, and
allergens in your home or space. It treats the air in your home or office by
breaking down odor causing pollutants and dropping airborne particulate from
your breathing space.
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