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What does the ozone generator do?
The ozone generator is designed to oxidize 99% of the bacteria, mold, and
allergens in your home or space. It treats the air in your home or
office by breaking down odor causing pollutants and dropping
airborne particulate from your breathing space.
How does the Ozone Generator work?
This Purifier uses electricity to split oxygen O2 molecules into single Oxygen
atoms, which attach loosely to other O2 molecules to become O3 (ozone). This
loosely attached oxygen atom is unstable and seeks to bond with chemical
compounds and other odor causing pollutants in order to oxidize them.
Is ozone safe?
Ozone in very high concentrations can be irritating to mucous membranes and
the respiratory system. It can also cause oxidation in metal and some surfaces.
Use only in unoccupied space and not to exceed the specified time.
Where should I place ozone generator?
You can place the machine anywhere in the space as the ozone will fill the
space. Close the window and door to trap the ozone in the space intended.
If you do have an HVAC system and like to use the ozone generator for the
whole house, you can place the machine in front of the air intake.
How should I wait to enter the space after running the ozone machine?
We recommend waiting at last an hour so most of the ozone has reverted it
back to oxygen. The higher concentration the ozone, the more time it will
require all the ozone to revert back. A quick way to remove the ozone
is to open doors and window to create fresh air to fill the space.
How does this purifier the air with no filter?
The air purifier uses ozone to attack unwanted particles in the air. The ozone is
used to oxidize molecules in the air and it’s typically used for strong
odor because it will neutralize the odorous molecules.
How come the odor keeps coming back?
Air purifiers does not treat the source of the odor bur rather cleans particles in
the air (some with filters and some with active airborne molecules). To
permanently keep odor from returning, the only solution is to remove
or neutralize the source of odor.
How can I purifier odor even when I am in the room?
While there are people who use generator that generate very low amount of
ozone contentiously to fight odor, the machine is designed for non occupied
space usage. The other option is to use a larger air purifier with a large carbon
(ideally activated carbon pellets) filter to absorb the odor out of the air.