no t use o the r de te rg e nt o r c o rro sive liq uid in the wa te r ta nk.
17. Ple a se dry o ff the wa te r ta nk a fte r c le a ning .
About W110-F
W110-F is a cleaning robot that works on multiple surfaces of glasses, tiles, smooth
walls and tables. It works with a built-in vacuum motor that helps it suck air and
stand on the glass surface. An embedded UPS(Un-interrupated Power System)
pre ve nts the ro b o t fa lling fro m the windo w e ve n whe n no e le c tric a l po we r.
With two whe e ls tha t fre e ly tra ve rse o n the windo w surfa c e o r o n wa ll surfa c e ,
W110-F cleans glass surface efficiently by the intelligent AI-technology path
calculation. As well, it can be manually operated to clean under different modes
fro m the re mo te c o ntro l.
• APP control through IOS/Android system
• Cleaning with manual / Automatical water spraying system
• For glasses thicker than 6mm
• AI Technology
• Cleaning Speed: 2.5 minutes/squre meter
• 3 kinds o f a uto ma tic o pe ra tio n mo de s fo r c le a ning
• Auto-finish
• Emb e dde d UPS
• Anti-dropping control algorithm
• Auto detect edges of window
• Micro-fiber cloth
• High strength safety rope(152Kgf)
• Remote control
• Ta b le c le a ning mo de
• Spraying volume: about 0.3ml/time
What is in the package:
Input Voltage: 100-240VAC, 50/60Hz, 2A
Output Voltage: 24VDC, 3.75A, 90W
Dimension: 29cm*14.5cm*8.5cm
N.W.: 0.90KG
Power Cord: 5.5M length
Battery Capacity: 600mAh, 14.8V, 8.88Ah
Charging Time: 1-2 hours
UPS: 20-30minutes
Volume of Water Tank: 50ml
W110-F x 1pc
Cleaning Cloth x 14pcs
Cleaning Ring x 4pcs
Remote Control x 1pc
Adapter x 1pc
AC Power Cord x 1pc
DC Po we r Co rd x 1pc
Safety Rope x 1pc
Cleaning Bottle x 1pc
User Manual x 1pc
The da ta s c o me fro m the la b , it mig ht slig htly b e diffe re nt fro m the use rs da ta due to
diffe re nt usa g e a nd ho me e nviro nme nts, ple a se sub je c t to the fina l pro duc ts.