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Operation Guide for Ceramic Hob
How to Operate the Vitroceramic Hob?
Shutting Off the Heating Area
Shutting off automatically (At Maximum Time Limit)
Setting Power
Connect the appliance to the power supply. Touch the ON/OFF button for about 0.8 seconds,
Turn on the Heating Area (the single ring) by touching ON/OFF button ,and set your desired temperature using
Touching the
button for about 0.8 seconds, all the heating area will turn-off at once.
Please choose the power level within ten seconds, otherwise, the appliance will
then the indicator light
will on at regular interval.
turn-off automatically.
“ ”
button (about 0.3 seconds). For example, when touching” ”,the indicator light will
display three columns, and the power at this moment is 3 level (There are total of 1-6 levels,
one column indicate one level). When touching” ”button,button, it will directly indicate six
columns, that the power is 6 level.
t h
Each heating power level has a maximum work time limit, please refer to the power table
in the appendix (For example, the maximum work time limit for 6 power lev el is 90 seconds).
If one power level has wo rked longer than the table showed maximum time limit, the relative
heating area will turn -off automatically. If regulatin g the po wer within workin g maximum
limit time, it will come to a new maximum working time limit. But if th e heating area had
been set time with timer in advance, the heating area will not turn-off automatically.
Multiple Ring Option
Multiple ring function could be turned on by touching the multiple ring option button .
Residual Heat Indication
Considering the safety of the user, when the surface temperature is too high, there will be residual heat indication.
The residual heat will be displayed at the fourth LED of the heating area of display,and there
will display ”H”. The left heating area is correspondent with LED15, right heating area is corresp ondent with LED17.
Child Lock Function
Activate the child lock
Wh en th e hob is standb y or heating, touch the child lock button for abo ut two
seconds, the child lock indicator will on , the controller is still in old working state,
urn on child lock button when the hob is working, press ON/OFF button of any heating area,
but it will not respond to other buttons except the child lock button itself and ON/OFF button .
P ress the child lock button again for about 2 seconds when the hob is in standby or
the hob will tu rn-off automatically.
The ch ild lock function h as memory, even if it is in turn-o ff state, th e child lo ck
func tion still e xist. When the hob is in turn-off state, touching a ny button (exce pt th e
ON/OFF button ) will cause bee ring from the buzzer, and the child lock indicator will on for 1 second.
Unlock the child lock
working state. It will unlock the touch controller, the child lock indicator will turn-off,
and all the touch k ey can be use d normally again.
Timer Option
Timer option button (0.3 seconds)
Timer kinds: Left heating area timer, Right heating area timer, Egg timer
Each heating area has a corresponding timer.
Wh en the heating area is working, press the timer option button ,it is available to choo se
from left to right which heating area timer to preset.
When the hob is turn-off, press timer button ,it is available to choose Egg timer.
Preset Time with Timer
After chosen timer, the corresponding indicator will twinkle as
mentioned above.
By pressing the button “ ”(0.3 seconds), i t
will set time
When press buttons
The timer will work automatical ly in 10 seconds after the time is set. Decimal point
“ ”at the same time, it is
available to set the timer to zero.
in the first LED will display whether the timer is working or editing. When the decimal point
is twinkling, the timer is working. While the decimal point is on for long time, the timer could be edited.
W hen two t im ers are turne d on at th e sa me tim e, t hre e LE D wil l
show th e editing tim er in front of othe rs. When tw o timers are working
a t t h e s a m e t i m e , t h r e e L E D w i l l s h o w t h e t i m e r w h i c h h a s l e s s
r e m a i n i n g t i m e . Th e i n d i c a t o r l i g h t w i l l t w i n k l e f o r t h e on e w h i c h
is showing, and fo r the one that doe s no t b e showed , th e timer ind icato r w ill be on.
Timer Alarm & Confirmation
Wh en it co me s to prese t cooking time, th ere will b e an alarm, and the
heatin g area will
turn-off automatically.
The buzzer will buzzing. The timer indicator and LED showing area
will twinkle, it
is advisable to press any button to confirm, otherwise,
the alarm will disappear in 2 minutes.
It is set to press any button for 0.3 seconds, but if the ON/OFF button
is pressed
over 0.3 seconds, and keep longer than 0.8 seconds, the hob will turn-off
Turn-off Timer/Change Timer setting
Turn-off timer by pressing the button” ”until it display“00”,
it is also available by pressing” ” buttons at the same time to set to “00”. In 10
seconds, it will automatically turn off. Moreover, it is available to turn off by
pressing the ON/OFF button .
Press a button for a long time
When any button is pressed over 10 seconds, there will show Error icon
on the LED (No error icon under child lock function)
Multiple Button Operation at the Same Time
When pressing several buttons at the same time, it will not react.
But when pressing over 10 seconds, there will show error icon
Multiple Button Operation Successively
When press several buttons successively, it will only trigger the
function of first button in the normal condition. And the function of