Choice Selection
To change setting combination for MO4 & MO5 remove battery cover and
slide lever inside battery compartment (see diagram on page 13 and 15).
Position 1 = Sound/s Only. Position 2 = Sound/s + Vibration. Position 3 =
Vibration Only. For MO4S see page 14.
select message
(see diagram on pages 15, 17 & 18).
To record a new message make sure the selection switch is in message position,
then press record button and speak into the speaker at the front of the alarm for
. Maximum recording time is 10 seconds.
Recording a message from Mum or
telephone tones is very effective.
Sensors are an important component and must always be clean and dry. The
crocodile clip is gold plated and should be used to anchor the sensor in the correct
Wash clean with soapy water and rinse. Remove any material from
jaws of Easy-Clip© sensor. Dry before use
Sensor Wire
The wire that connects the sensor to the alarm unit is a vitally important link. The
wire is sufficiently flexible to be comfortable in use but sufficiently robust to ensure
long life. It will not however tolerate abuse, being bitten or chewed.
Do not use the
wire to pull the sensor out of the pad or underwear - always undo the clip.
not clip the crocodile clip to the sensor wire. Do not unplug the sensor from the body
worn alarms.
Fault Finding
Unit fails to sound
:- replace batteries, ensure correct polarity. Always use
“fresh batteries”. Do not use Zinc/Air batteries (the ones with the small holes
in the positive side and sticker when new). Make sure ejector ribbon has not
slipped between batteries. Make sure battery contacts are clean and free from
deposits. Make sure batteries are not loose and are making good contact.
Unit will not turn off
:- sensor plate is wet (Dry sensor). Sensor is faulty or has
a damaged wire replace sensor. Easy-Clip© sensor lever is closed or material
is wet, lift lever, remove material & press the reset button.
Easy-Clip© is dirty and requires cleaning see page 2.
Batteries are nearly exhausted please replace batteries
Alarm is or has been flooded.
Intermittent buzzing
:- faulty sensor. Loose or flat batteries in the battery
compartment. Damaged wire.