Product overview
The HDR-series (High Dynamic Range) is the latest addition to MALA’s versatile
product range. It is, from bottom up, a complete new design, based on patented
cutting edge technology. These new antennas are hence not just an upgrade of
earlier designs; they represent a leap in GPR-technology, not seen in the past 15
years. Due to the internal design, the HDR-antennas are self-contained GPR
systems, so, naming them antennas is somewhat misplaced. Each one of them
actually contains a full-blown GPR system
Compared with earlier, comparable systems, this new suit of GPR-systems is
capable of much faster data acquisition rates, without violation of the FCC, EC and IC
regulatory limits on emissions. Combined with increased bandwidth, this extreme
performance gives the user a system with unprecedented dynamic range and
At the end of the day, these products give the GPR community access to easy-to use
systems with significant deeper penetration as well as better detection capabilities.
Add to this the positioning options, software capabilities and proven accessories and
you have in your hands full access to the GPR-future. Never before has the GPR-
market been offered so much value for the money.
This manual describes the MALA HDR series of shielded antenna. It’s a hardware
manual, intended to give users a fast guide for handling the antenna units in the field.
It’s not a complete system manual. For further information on using the GPR system,
please refer to the software manual for the monitor you have bought with the system.
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