If no filament is coming out of the nozzle, or if you’re hearing a clicking noise
when your MakerBot 3D printer starts a print, your extruder may be a little
too close to the build plate. This can cause plastic to back up into the
extruder and cause clogs.
Printing in a warm or humid environment can contribute to frequent nozzle
clogs. Try to print in a cool, dry environment.
Keeping your software and firmware up to date will help ensure that your
MakerBot 3D printer and MakerBot Print run as smoothly as possible.
What Temperature is my Extruder
Print Temperature
During printing, your Smart E will be heated to about 215
C. You can see the
exact temperature by selecting the Extruder icon on the control panel or by opening
the MakerBot Print’s print monitor panel during a print.
Allowing the Extruder to Cool
Always allow the extruder to cool to a temperature of 50
C before removing it from
the MakerBot Rep or before the MakerBot Rep is turned off. Allowing
the extruder to cool helps to prevent extruder clogs.