Can’t access the Library,
Explore, and Store sections
of MakerBot Desktop.
You may not be logged into your MakerBot
account. These features are accessible only when
you are logged in. If you are logged into your
MakerBot account but are still unable to access
the Library, Store, and Explore sections, your
computer may not be connected to the internet.
MakerBot Desktop does
not recognize the MakerBot
Replicator Mini.
Make sure you have selected your MakerBot
Replicator Mini as the printer you want to
connect to in MakerBot Desktop. Go to
Devices > Connect to a New Device
, and
select your MakerBot Replicator Mini from the
list of available networked printers.
The MakerBot Replicator
Smart Extruder is installed,
but MakerBot Desktop
displays a message
stating it is not installed.
While the Smart Extruder is attached to the
extruder carriage, click
Attach Smart Extruder
in the print monitor panel in MakerBot Desktop.
If MakerBot Desktop still displays a message
that the Smart Extruder is not attached,
physically detach it, reattach it, and click
Attach Smart Extruder
How do I turn off my MakerBot
Replicator Mini?
Use the power switch at the back left of the
MakerBot Replicator Mini to turn it off. Always
wait until the Smart Extruder has cooled to
50° C before powering down.