Whether you are using a CNC, laser cutter, or 3D printer, all digital manufacturing requires some troubleshooting.
Here are some quick tips to help you determine what is wrong:
Step 1: Diagnose the problem. This may seem obvious, but many problems can be solved if you take a step back
and see exactly what the printer is doing incorrectly.
Step 2: Determine if the problem is mechanical or digital. Mechanical problems are in the actual operation of the
printer, such as the motors that drive the X, Y, and Z axes, the motor that pushes the filament, the nozzle heater,
and the calibration of the build plate. The most common mechanical problem is caused by a build plate that is
not calibrated correctly. Other mechanical problems include under-extrusion, a clogged nozzle, and an unplugged
connector on a motor or limit switch.
Digital problems are in the slice file that you prepare in Cura or another slicing program. Important slice file
settings include layer height, print (nozzle) temperature, and print speed.
Once you narrow down the problem, you can start trying things to fix it!
Drew’s Note: The 300x comes with pre-programmed troubleshooting tutorials!
Just tap the “tutorial” button in education or you can find them in the menu.
You can also join our weekly 3D printing livestreams for help. You can find the
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Last Updated 12.23.2020
Version v1.1