MIGE1203 Series Industrial Gigabit Media Converter/MIGE2205G Series
Industrial Ethernet Switch
This trademark is owned by Wuhan Maiwe
Communication Co., Ltd.
is the trademark used for link redundancy and self-recovery
technology, owned by Wuhan Maiwe Communication Co., Ltd.
is registered trademark owned by Microsoft.
Copyright © Wuhan Maiwe Communication Co., Ltd.
The user manual is applicable to MIGE1203 series industrial gigabit media
converter/MIGE2205G series industrial ethernet switch.
Please read the following license agreement carefully before using this manual.
The products described in this manual can be used only if you agree on the
following license agreement.
Important Statement
Any information provided by our company in this manual does not represent for
corresponding authorization on these information.
Our company attempts to ensure the accuracy and applicability for the
information provided in this manual, however our company does not assume
any responsibility for the use of these information, and does not assume any
joint responsibility for the use of these information. There may be a few
technical or typographical errors in the product and manual. The company
reserves the right to change all or part of this manual without prior notice.
Due to continuous update and improvement of products and
technology, the contents of this document may not be completely
consistent with the actual products, appreciate for your understanding.
If necessary to inquiry the updates of the product, please check our
official website or contact our representative directly.