Suction turbine
15.6 Suction turbine
Suction turbine
is in the menu Furnace.
The menu item
Suction turbine
is only visible
in suction systems.
Set a Time (full hours), at which the hopper gets refilled, regardless how full it is
at this time.
At this time, the fire tubes are also cleaned. This time matches the time set in
the Cleaning/Filling menu and can be set at either menu.
Frequency for storage room suction systems in pulse mode, only for vacuum
Pause time for storage room extractor motor - suction system in pulse mode. If
pause time = 0 then no pulse mode.
Run time of burner auger until next Suction Interval.
The hopper is filled at this time regardless whether it is empty or not.
• 175 min = 12 – 20 kW
• 225 min = 25 – 32 kW
• 90 min = 36 – 56 kW
Operating Manual AutoPellet Air Furnace 17 — 28