Maiman Electronics
The maximum duration depends on the set value of the frequency. When you change
frequency, a new value of the maximum duration is compute automatically. The duration of pulse
cannot be less than 2 ms and more than period of frequency minus 2 ms. For low frequencies the
duration cannot be more than 5000 ms.
Set the zero frequency to switch the device into CW mode or set not zero frequency value to
switch the device into QCW (long pulses) mode. If you try to set a value more or less than limits,
then the value will be rounded to limit. Any attempts to set a new state of the device, except
“start”, forcibly switch the device to the state “stop”. Some states of the device are mutually
exclusive, for example, if you set “Ext. Enable”, then you will not be able to set the state “start”. If
you send “start” and “stop” commands to each other, the device will save all parameters in the
internal memory. The saving process lasts about 300 ms. In this time the device does not respond
to any actions. The device is able to save the next parameters in the internal memory:
Frequency with limits;
Duration with limits;
Current with limits and calibration;
Temperature limits and B
Settings of the RS protocol extension (see section «the protocol extension»).