Operation Manual MB 11 Classic
6.4.3 EEG-Display
The EEG display mode can be accessed by clicking on the “EEG” checkbox
on the left of the test screen.
The EEG view at the top of the screen allows you to monitor the ongoing
real-time EEG activity. The EEG in this view will be relatively flat when the
baby and electrical conditions in the environment are quiet. When the baby
becomes active you will note higher amplitude activity in the EEG
representing myogenic activity from the baby. If there is electrical
interference in the room you may note spikes of activity showing in the EEG.
This may be improved by checking the placement of the electrodes on the
baby’s head. View of a rolling, cyclical waveform in the EEG can indicate
that the electrode gel from two sites on the baby’s head have merged. This
can negatively affect the quality of the recording.
Figure 18 – Test screen with EEG view enabled