7. Loosen the pivot pin lock nut and remove the pivot pin and the link.
8. Repeat the same in other activating disc.
1. Clean all the components with clean cloth.
2. Check the brake hosing braking surface for smooth finish without any score mark or nick marks or any step mark. Also
the mounting face should be smooth as machined without damage. If found any defect replace with new one.
3. Check for the condition of the friction discs for friction material, friction disc thickness below 4.15mm, onside wear,
friction material chip off, any defect in friction disc if found any defect replace the defective friction disc alone with new
4. Check intermediate disc for score marks, any defect or disc thickness below 2.30 mm replace the defective intermediate
disc alone with new one.
5. Check the actuating unit assembly braking surface for smooth finish without any score mark or nick marks or any step
mark if found any defect replace with new one.
6. Check for any wear or step mark on the ball seating and on the ramp area. If any abnormality is found, replace the
Actuating discs.
7. Check for the condition of links for any defect or bend or elongation and replace.
8. Check the pull rod for any defect, pin hole ovality or enlargement and replace.
9. Check the steel ball for any discoloration, Pit marks or any other defects. If in doubt, Replace with new balls from the
Genuine Mahindra spare parts.
1. Clean the actuating disc thoroughly.
2. Keep the Actuating disc with the ball seating facing upward on a clean workbench.
3. Place the steel balls in the ball seating in dry condition
4. Place the other actuating disc, braking surface facing outside, such a way that the spring holes in both the discs in
5. Fit new springs in the between the discs.
6. Assemble the links to actuating disc long holes with new pivot pin and nut. Tighten the nut to 14 Nm torque.
7. On the other Align the pull rod clevis hole with the holes in the inks and fit the pin. On the other side fit the plate and
lock plate on the pin.
8. Tighten the lock nut to 6 – 8 Nm. Crimp the Lock plate to on the nut.
12. Fit the new rubber boot in the brake housing. Proper mandrel to be used while hammering the boot on housing.
Apply Fevibond / Oil sealant in boot metal ring before fitment. Wipe of excess sealant after fitment.
13. Soak the friction disc for one hour in fresh oil (ELF TRACT MM) before assembling.
14. Place one no of friction disc on the housing braking surface.
15. Place the actuating unit assembly in the housing, guiding the pull rod in the rubber boot. Care to be taken that pull
rod, doesn’t damage boot bellows, boot end to be seated properly in slot provided in pull rod.
Note- Surface of bull pinion cage to be dry and clean prior to assy
16. Check for the freedom of Actuating unit assembly in the housing bore.
17. Place one friction disc on the Actuating disc face followed by other disc in the following order – Intermediate disc,
Friction disc, Intermediate disc and Friction disc.
18. Fit the trunnion blocks at both ends smaller trunnion block at pull rod end & bigger at other end of the operating lever
and retain them with washers and split pins.
19. Fit the operating lever to the brake housing with pin, and lock with E- Clip both sides.
20. Connect the operating lever shorter end, inserting the trunnion block on the pull rod.