Pos: 127 /Produktfamilien/Hebetechnik/COLUMNLIFT/490801 RGE/BA/Inhalt: 4908 | 4919 Anlaufscheiben - Rütteltest (Text)_12pt @ 55\mod_1539852945581_75.docx @ 3093188 @ @ 1
Shaking Test with Lifting Carriage
In addition to the visual check, carry out a shaking test with the lifting carriage eve-
ry three months. To do this, hold the carriage by the support fork, then pull for-
ward with a firm twist.
In the event that the guide rollers run off the guideways during the shaking test,
the lifting column must be removed from operation until the thrust washers have
been replaced.
Pos: 128 /Produktfamilien/Hebetechnik/COLUMNLIFT/492301 RGE UC/BA/Inhalt: 4923 | 4924 Anlaufscheiben - Rütteltest (Bilder) @ 54\mod_1529572126982_0.docx @ 3038289 @ @ 1