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Copy to
select the target channel on the right of "copy to "button ,click "copy to" & ''ok " then system
will set the current channel setup
information’s to other target video channel. Click button
"cancel", the setup
information’s is non-saved but to exit.
PTZ Control
In system setup,click"PTZ set up"
Channel: choose the right channel, click the select box to choose
Protocal: the selected one must be the same with the one of PTZ
Data bit: choose the matched one of the PTZ
Address: input the address of appointed decoder
Stop bit: choose the matched one of the PTZ
Baudrate: choose the matched one of the PTZ
Parity check: choose the matched one of the PTZ
Copy set: choose the object route in the right select box, click the button of copy setting, then the
informations of setting will be showed, which also can be applied in other object routes. After the setting,
click the button of sure to exit with saving the , or click the botton of cancle to exit without saving.
3.8.3 8 Sensor setup
In the system setup , choose the "PTZ setup"
Channel: choose the right channel, click the select box to choose
Work mode: setting to start alarm or not
Alarm duration: set up the alarm duration time
”start alarm,
“□”close alarm
”start buzzer, “□” close buzzer
Screen note:
”alarm icon shows on the displayer, “□” no alarm icon showson the displayer