Magtrol WB/PB Dynamometers
Chapter 6 – Calibration
WB/PB 65 S
Figure 6–3 WB/PB 65 Overload Protection Calibration
1. Mount the calibration arms. (See
Section 6.1.1 – Calibration Arms
2. Place 100% of the calibration weight on the arm on the connector side.
3. Loosen the nut
and adjust the screw
to decrease the torque slightly.
4. Place 200% of the calibration weight on the arm on the connector side.
5. Adjust the screw
so that the display indicates 150% of the nominal torque.
6. Tighten the nut
7. Move the 100% calibration weight onto the opposite arm.
8. Loosen the nut
and adjust the screw
to decrease the torque slightly.
9. Place 200% of the calibration weight on the arm.
10. Adjust the screw
so that the display indicates 150% of the nominal torque.
11. Tighten the nut
12. Remove the calibration weight and arms.