Appendix A - Bluetooth LE Controller Properties (Bluetooth LE Only)
eDynamo| Secure Card Reader Authenticator | Programmer’s Manual (COMMANDS)
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Bluetooth LE Property 0x1C - Minimum Initial Advertising Interval
(Bluetooth LE Only, Custom Advertising Only)
Bluetooth LE Property ID:
Get Property: Yes
Set Property: Yes
Non-Volatile: Yes
Default value: 32 (20 milliseconds)
This property is a two byte integer in least significant byte order, in 625 microsecond increments, that
contains the
minimum initial advertising interval
. This property, combined with
Property 0x19 - Maximum Background Advertising Interval (Bluetooth LE Only, Custom
Advertising Only)
, determines the Bluetooth LE advertising interval the device uses for one minute after
the device exits airplane mode. MagTek recommends setting both properties to the same value. Smaller
advertising intervals cause the device to consume more power when advertising, which may be a concern
when running on battery power.
Only values between 32 (20ms) and 16384 (10.24s) are valid. Using values outside this range causes
unpredictable behavior.
Bluetooth LE Property 0x1D - Maximum Initial Advertising Interval
(Bluetooth LE Only, Custom Advertising Only)
may also need to be adjusted when changing this
property. If the maximum initial advertising interval is less than the minimum, the device may behave
This property is stored in non-volatile memory, so it persists when the device is power cycled. This
property would typically only be changed once during device configuration if needed. Modifying this
property too many times wears out flash memory.
Because this property affects Bluetooth LE behavior, it is recommended to only change it using the USB
interface. When this property is changed, the device must be reset (see
or powered off, then powered on, before the changes will take effect.
This property was added in eDynamo Bluetooth LE firmware version 1000002650C02.
Example Set Request (Hex)
Cmd Num
Data Len
01 00 01 1C 40 06 (1000ms / .625ms) = 1600 (0x0640)
Example Set Response (Hex)
Result Code
Data Len
01 01 00
Example Get Request (Hex)
Cmd Num
Data Len
01 00 00 1C