Magnum Models would like to thank you for purchasing one of our kits. We would like
to remind you to read the instructions before you start building this kit to avoid any
mistakes that could cost you time in building.
We take great pride in the manufacturing of our kits in the hope of bringing you a
quality kit that is easy to build and fly. We also take great pride in selecting quality foam
and materials that should greatly reduce the amount of time and effort you will have to
spend in the assembly of our kits. Remember our kits are built by flyers for flyers.
Be a Responsible Flyer
Remember to fly only in areas that are safe for radio control planes. Never fly close to
houses or power lines. Avoid areas with people like public parks. Magnum Models is
not responsible for injury or property damage caused by this airplane. Remember FLY
SAFE; be aware of who and what is around you.